Stephen Kyle McDonald


Stephen Kyle McDonald is an associate in the Atlanta office of Lewis Brisbois and a member of the General Liability Practice. 

Mr. McDonald has extensive experience representing both Plaintiffs and Defendants in lawsuits across the southeast. From catastrophic injury claims with seven or eight figure disputes, to rear end collisions with soft-tissue damage, Stephen Kyle has handled both ends of the spectrum. Mr. McDonald maintains the belief that every case, no matter its perceived value or financial denomination, is an opportunity to serve his clients and to maintain fair and impartial treatment from a Court system that is tilting towards plaintiffs at every turn. 

A graduate of the University of Iowa and the University of Alabama, McDonald is a trial lawyer at heart. He is a recipient of the George Peach Taylor award for outstanding trial advocacy at the University of Alabama, as well as an all region attorney in Mock Trial while at the University of Iowa. McDonald has been a part of several trial teams in his brief career and is excited, always, about the prospect and possibility of a live courtroom. There is no better place on earth that a packed Court house on a Monday morning.

Primary Area(s) of Practice

  • General Liability

Additional Experience

Awards & Honors

George Peach Taylor Award


University of Iowa

Bachelor of Arts, English Literature, 2014

University of Alabama

Juris Doctor, 2018