Frank Gillman Profiled for Legal Executive Institute

August 22, 2018

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Frank Gillman was recently profiled on Thompson Reuter’s Legal Executive Institute website.

Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Frank Gillman was recently profiled on Thompson Reuter’s Legal Executive Institute website.

The article explores Gillman’s new CISO role, unique in the industry because Gillman does not maintain the firm’s information security, but rather provides client services covered by attorney-client privilege. This model allows Lewis Brisbois to insource services that a third-party vendor would have performed previously.

“Lewis Brisbois can provide a more comprehensive, seamless data security offering under the attorney-client privilege, which would not apply when using a third-party IT consultant,” Gillman said. “The firm can do fixed-fee deliverables at a far better overall cost value to clients.”

Read the complete article here.